
Fasteners and C-parts for the aerospace industry.

The aerospace industry is subject to particularly strict safety regulations and is known for its high technical requirements. With our know-how and decades of experience, we can help you to meet these requirements. 

Quality requirements & strict regulations
require high-quality fastener solutions.

In the production of aircrafts, drones and air taxis, even the smallest technical defects can have serious safety consequences. This is why strict quality standards apply in the aerospace industry. Also for fasteners there are very high technological and regulatory requirements.  

We have been committed to a quality management for the aerospace business from a very early stage. Since 1956 the aerospace industry trusts in fasteners from Berrang. And you can rely on that. 

Development trends in the aerospace industry.

The aerospace industry is experiencing a technological change. This means that new developments in the aviation industry are creating new opportunities for efficiency. This is particularly interesting when considering potential applications for forward-looking flying objects such as air taxis or drones.  

Drones, for example, can be used to inspect infrastructure that is difficult to access. They also play an important role in supplying medicines and transporting organ transplants. And in future they will transport people. Considering this, our fasteners are essential components and must meet high standards of safety, quality and reliability.  

Berrang in aerospace –
6 reasons for success.

  1. decades of experience 
  2. proven quality
  3. long-term competitiveness 
  4. high safety 
  5. cost efficiency   
  6. high parts availability 

First class made & first class tested –
aiming high with Berrang.

We supply you with first-class fasteners that meet the required quality standards - after all, we are certified to DIN EN 9120 for aerospace. This means that we can ensure the highest quality standards even for the smallest quantities. With our services and products we make a significant contribution to the success of our customers products and enable manufacturers to position themselves competitively in the future. 

In addition, we ensure that you only receive parts that are supplied by approved manufacturers. Every delivery batch is subject to a technical incoming goods inspection. At the same time, as a c-parts management provider, we ensure complete and long traceability of material, quality and production data for our components. This enables us to ensure that the parts always fulfill what they promise.  

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