Philosophy, history & locations – this is who we are.
We are your solution partner for high-end fastener solutions and engineering services. Find out what makes us tick and how we can support you with your fastener challenges.
Berrang Berrang – where tradition meets the future.
We are Berrang - a company founded over 75 years ago by Karl Berrang, which has specialized in mechanical fastening technology from the very beginning. In close cooperation with our customers, we develop solutions that are technically convincing and economically most interesting for each individual case. Of course, this also includes identifying optimal solutions for our customers’ procurement processes and logistics requirements.
But we are even more! We are family-run as well as globally operating. With all our solutions we contribute to enable future technologies. In addition, we offer our customers and our business partners sustainable solutions to master the challenges of the future together. One result: a targeted focus of climate and emissions targets.
Individual components become system solutions: We have more than 160,000 different parts on stock at our twelve locations worldwide.
About Us – Brand Promise, Corporate Philosophy & Guiding Principles.
Our Brand Promise.
From the standard screw to the engineering solution: We offer solutions tailored to the needs of our customers. We support our partners in optimally exploiting the strategic potential of their technical applications.
In this way we manage together to
- secure production,
- reduce the complexity of products and processes
- and optimize processes and costs.
our corporate philosophy.
In order to provide accurate deliveries, to support for a profitable production and deliver first-class quality, our corporate philosophy is based on three fundamental pillars:
Providing quality is our top priority. Our customers can expect nothing less than total quality, which is guaranteed by our employees in all aspects of their day-to-day work. These essentially simple principles were first formulated by Karl Berrang when the company was established.
Our work is governed by an unerring focus on the particular requirements of each of our customers. Working together with our clients, we develop customized solutions for every aspect of a project. With a broad network of offices in Germany, the USA, France, Poland, and China, we are able to establish direct contact and offer intensive support to our customers – straightforward and with minimal waiting times thanks to our fast and flexible approach.
Our employees are the key to our success. They are the once who develop, improve, and implement our various solutions. For this reason, it is particularly important for us to ensure that our staff members are satisfied and motivated at work. In this respect, it is an inestimable advantage that we are an independent, family-run business in which employees have a direct line to the management.
facts & figures at a glance.
Mission statement Our mission statement.
In a society, it is necessary to assume responsibility. Thus, we acknowledge our social responsibility, the responsibility towards our employees, our business partners, but also the common good. We also respect the personalities of our employees and business partners. In addition, we give great importance to sustainable environmental protection and the fight against corruption. In other words, we stand by our values and principles and base our actions on them.
As a corporate group whose parent company is bound by collective bargaining agreements within the scope of the constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany, the following principles are of special importance to us:
- respect for human dignity,
- protection of human rights.
These principles result in:
- employers' rights based on respect, especially freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining,
- the prevention of discrimination in employment and work,
- the rejection of forced and child labor,
- the rejection of human and organ trafficking.
We consider it natural to observe relevant laws and regulations and to orient ourselves to :
- UN-Resolution 217 A (III) : general declaration of Human Rights,
- the Convention of the United Nations on the Rights of the Child,
- the Convention of the United Nations against Corruption,
- UN-Resolution 317 (IV): Convention on the prevention of Human Trafficking.
By mean of appropriate contractual agreements we seek to ensure that not only we, but also our business partners, observe these principles.
Our objective is to ensure safety of our staff when executing their work, i.e. controlling and minimizing risks for their safety and health.
To do this, we observe legal specifications, and implement active measure:
- to prevent accidents at work,
- to minimize work-related health risks,
- to provide decent and humane workplaces and work content,
- and to ensure preventive health protection.
In doing this we not only ensure that respective legal foundations are observed, but that experience and findings are implemented to improve safety at work and preventive health protection.
These principles are also observed during the process of selecting suppliers.
If you, as our business partner, learn of any infringements against the aforementioned principles from our company, please notify us accordingly so that we can take any necessary action. Please inform us about such issues at Your information will of course be treated confidentially.
career your career at Berrang.
We have the know-how in our ranks. To keep it that way, we are always looking for bright minds. Whether you are an intern, working student or trainee – you too can become part of our Berrang universe.
locatons our locations.
With locations worldwide on three continents, we are there for our customers.
Being close to customers is a central component of our business model.
History our history.
- 1946: Start of the fastener wholesale business in Karl Berrang's residential building in Mannheim – Lindenhof.
- 1948: Registration of the Karl Berrang company in the Mannheim Commercial Register as a sole trader. New warehouse: Bellenstraße 33, Mannheim.
- 1950: Foundation of Façon, Mannheim, as a one-man business. The company deals with machine elements and mounted parts. Façon and Karl Berrang have common management.
- 1951: New warehouse: Rheinkai Fruchtbahnhofstraße, Mannheim.
- 1952: Façon is listed on the register of companies in Mannheim as a sole trader. Branches of Karl Berrang and Façon are established in Munich.
- 1953: Headquarters in Mannheim: New offices at Parkring 47.
- 1956: Introduction of quality management documentation and first deliveries to the aviation industry.
- 1960: Relocation into the company's first owned premises in Mannheim. Branches are opened in Stuttgart and Freiburg.
- 1961: January 18: Company founder Karl Berrang passes away. Elisabeth Berrang continues to manage the companies Karl Berrang and Façon.
- 1971: The companies Karl Berrang and Façon are transformed into limited partnerships. Bernhard Berrang joins Karl Berrang KG und Façon KG.
- 1975: Introduction of order processing and stock management using IT systems.
- 1981: Peter Hofmann joins Karl Berrang GmbH and Façon GmbH. Branches are opened in Hanover and Nuremberg.
- 1983: Introduction of the quality management system.
- 1992: Branche is opened in Chemnitz.
- 1994: The quality management system is certified according to DIN EN ISO 9002. Elisabeth Berrang steps down as managing shareholder on December 31.
- 1995: Peter Hofmann is named managing director.
- 1997: Berrang Inc. is founded in Atlanta, GA, USA.
- 1998: The Mannheim and Munich laboratories are accredited according to ISO Guide 25.
- 1999: Berrang France SARL is founded in Orléans, France.
- 2000: The quality management system is certified according to VDA 6.1. The Mannheim and Munich laboratories are accredited according to ISO IEC 17025.
- 2001: Berrang Inc. opens a branch in Greenville, SC, USA. The company premises are extended at the head office in Mannheim.
- 2003: The quality management system is certified according to ISO/TS 16949:2002.
- 2004: The headquarters of Berrang Inc. are relocated from Atlanta, GA to Greenville, SC USA.
- 2005: The Hanover branch relocates to new premises at Mercedesstraße 2, Langenhagen.
- 2007: The Freiburg branch extends its premises.
- 2008: Inauguration of new head office building Berrang France SARL in Semoy (Orléans), France. The quality management system in certified according to EN 9120:2005.
- 2009: Berrang Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. is founded in Shanghai, P. R. China.
- 2012: Berrang Polska Sp. z o. o. is founded in Bielany Wrocławskie (Wrocław/Breslau), Polen.
- 2013: Appointment of Dominique Gründler and Benjamin Berrang to managing shareholders of the company.
- 2014: Headquarter Mannheim: New headquarter office building in Elsa Brändström-Straße 12, 68229 Mannheim. Branch Chemnitz: New company building in Gottfried-Schenker-Straße 28, 09244 Lichtenau.
- 2016: Paul Hofmann joins the Board as managing shareholder. Completion of Berrang Inc. headquarters in Greer, SC.
- 2018: Branch Munich: Inauguration of the new building, Eduard-Buchner-Straße 3, 85662 Hohenbrunn.
- 2019: Extension of the new warehouse in Chemnitz.
- 2021: Bernhard Berrang steps down from the management board. Benedikt Berrang joins the management as managing shareholder.
- 2021: Expansion Mannheim with a new warehouse section.
- 2022: Berrang Polska moves into new building.