Solution for health care technology.
More efficient logistics in health care technology.
One of our health care customers assembles medical devices at its end customer's site. Since the customer obtains many different components from different suppliers and the company's own employees therefore have a lot of effort in preparing the assemblies, the customer was looking for a more efficient logistical solution. We at Berrang were able to offer him exactly this!
Reduce effort and enable faster assembly.
Our customer first explained the general task to us: For the construction of complicated installations of the medical devices, the mechanics usually have to presort many different individual parts before they can make their way to the customer on site. This costs a lot of time, at the same time the components are brought from different individual suppliers, which also entails increased logistical efforts, also takes up a lot of storage space and is prone to incompleteness.
The deliveries of the individual parts are carried out via a Kanban system, which is to be main-tained at the customer's request. Nevertheless, the customer would like to make it easier for its own mechanics to assemble the materials required for assembly in the future and simplify the organizational processes .
Bundled material sorting instead of small-scale assembly.
Together with the customer, we set about developing a new logistics concept and first identified optimization potential within the existing process: The procurement of the individual parts from different individual suppliers was unavoidable in this context or no adjustments could be made here .
However, in the handling process of the incoming materials and their subsequent sorting by the mechanics, we saw possibilities for the customer to send his employees more quickly to assembly at the end customer's site in the future. We suggested to the customer that we bundle the picking of the assembly to us. From now on, we will take over the coordination of orders as well as the distribution of materials to ready-to-use assembly kits, which are available to the mechanics for their work at the end customer's site.
The fitter does not get a screw too much or too little. So if there is still a component in the kit, something has gone wrong. Not like a well-known furniture store, where there are often more components than needed in the kit. But people are not operated on with a piece of furniture either.